Molly received a travel award from the ACS Med Chem division to attend the ACS meeting in Philly this fall. Awesome Molly!by santoswApril 23, 2016
Congrats to Molly Congdon for winning an outstanding graduate research award!by santoswApril 22, 2016
Amanda and Cheryl’s borylation of alkynoates and alkynamides in water is accepted in JOC. Great job to both!by santoswApril 22, 2016
Undergrad Laura Wonilowicz won a Fralin Summer Fellowship to work in our lab this summer. Well done Laura!by santoswApril 5, 2016
Jessica’s paper regarding branched peptide boronic acids is accepted at Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. Great Job!by santoswApril 4, 2016
Beth Childress was selected for a prestigious P.E.O. Scholar Award. Congrats and well done!by santoswMarch 22, 2016
Congratulations to Molly! Her sphingosine kinase work is featured on the front cover of ACS. Med. Chem. santoswMarch 14, 2016
Molly’s naphthalene-based Sphingosine Kinase inhibitors is available online at ACS Med. Chem. Lett. Congrats Molly!by santoswFebruary 3, 2016Click here to read the paper.