Mithun Raje and Webster will present their work at the ACS conference in santoswAugust 19, 2010
Congratulations to Brandon Thorpe! His paper was recently accepted in Chemical santoswAugust 10, 2010
Knott’s paper was recently accepted in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. Congratulations Ken! His paper is selected as part of a special “chemical biology” themed santoswMay 13, 2010
Congratulations to David Bryson and Jason Crumpton for successfully passing the ORP!by santoswApril 28, 2010
Congratulations to Michael Perfetti for winning the outstanding graduate teaching santoswApril 13, 2010
Congratulations to Leah Heist for receiving the John B. and Susan Hopper Harvie Scholarship and the Walter B. Ellet Scholarshipby santoswApril 1, 2010